Page 105 - Carpet! 02/2020
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 been successful in presenting its broad assortment in a clear and compelling manner within roughly 300 m2 of space, utilising a themed organisational structure and shop systems developed in cooperation with the suppliers. The environment is appealing, with genuine wood wall panelling, for example, and pictures, pil- lows, vases and other accessories that create a cosy feel.
A Leiner location was opened in Hadikgasse three years ago in what was formerly a Kika store, where now uptrading is clearly being seen in the carpets sec- tion. This Leiner store in West Vienna demonstrates how very much worthwhile it is for furniture stores to offer carpets in the middle to very high quality range. These include hand-knotted carpets with tradi- tional and modern patterns, handwoven carpets and even skins of high quality. Young section manager Jan Michaelis is dedicated to maintaining a highly con- temporary look, staying abreast of the latest carpet innovations and trends to incorporate these into his purchasing and presentation decisions.
His staff play a key role in keeping sales brisk in the high-quality assortment, all of whom are highly mo- tivated to work in this store section. Michaelis has as- sembled a team of carpet salespeople with many years of experience who have specialised knowledge and are able to provide expert advice. Staff regularly attend continuing education seminars conducted either inter- nally or by the store’s main suppliers. As a former car- pet purchasing manager himself, store manager Thom- as Heimberger has much to contribute to the section. •
gebot von Handknüpfteppichen mit traditionellen und modern inspirierten Mustern über Handwebteppiche bis hin zu Fellen – in hoher Qualität. Und in sehr zeit- gemäßer Optik: Der junge, engagierte Abteilungsleiter Jan Michaelis hält sich über Neuheiten und Trends im Teppichbereich auf dem Laufenden, das schlägt sich in Einkauf und Präsentation nieder.
Dass das hochwertige Angebot gut läuft, ist den Mitar- beitern zu verdanken, die sich ausnahmslos mit der Ab- teilung identifizieren: Neben Michaelis sind hier meh- rere langjährige, erfahrene Teppichverkäufer mit dem entsprechenden Fachwissen und großer Beratungskom- petenz tätig. Die Mitarbeiter nehmen regelmäßig an Schulungen teil, entweder intern oder bei den Hauptlie- feranten der Filiale. Auch dass der Hausleiter, Thomas Heimberger, früher selbst im Teppicheinkauf tätig war, hat positive Auswirkungen auf die Abteilung. •
                                           Heitmann Felle GmbH • Großhandel & Pelzgerberei
Freudenthalstraße 50 Fon +49 5193 3077 29640 Schneverdingen Fax +49 5193 1597
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